Birthdays always make you feel happy and loved, right? At least that's what I believe and have been experiencing since 24 years. Things have changed since past 2 years, thanks to the stressful life.
As I am writing this post, I have already turned 26 and it is definitely not a good feeling. With two masters degree and a good financial security, I can afford a good luxurious lifestyle but there are certain things I am missing or have forgotten to do.
1. BE HAPPY: - Lately, I have almost forgotten to smile and have always been anxious and stressed about everything. The only time I smile is in front of the camera. I was a happy go lucky person but not anymore. Sometimes I miss the old me. Happiness comes from within. I have decided to take things once at a time and focus on doing yoga. Research shows that yoga can give you built your mental strength and makes you calmer.
2. FORGET CRIBBING: - My friends can vouch on this. I have become a cribber. I crib about each and every problem I face. The worst, I keep on cribbing them until they get sorted. It feels like I am running out there in search for pity. I have promised myself not to crib and try to take in. I am sure it will hep grow my mental willpower. I mean I have seen people in worst situations but still showing that smile on their face. I am sure I am can do it. That being said, I have decided to pen down my worries and scratch them off. It will not only give me the ability to solve them quickly but also a sense of happiness once I get through them.
3. TIMELY BLOGGING:- Blogging is something I have been wanting to do since past few years but never got a chance. Now that I am capable of doing it, time crunch is what I face. This year I want to share more with you guys. I have promised myself to post at least twice a week (fingers crossed). Let me tell you blogging and writing down my thoughts gives me confidence and makes me feel satisfied.
4. GET FIT:- I am a fitness freak but haven't gotten into the right shape. I highly believe that my workout strategy is not up to the mark and need to work on my regime. With the desire to give Ramen noodles forever (fingers crossed) I plan on healthy eating. Wish me luck, guys!
With each passing birthday, I have felt this sense of responsibility coming into me, especially from last 4/5 years.Do you guys feel the same? I work upon my duties towards my peers, family, friends, etc. I think several times before speaking up. I have become forgiving and let going on things and people. I think I am growing up!
Do share your thoughts below in the comment box. Let me know if have any suggestions for a good workout.
Let me know about my blog and if you like it. I will be happy to hear from you guys.